On A Mission To Revolutionize Your Living Space!

Hi there, I’m Rose Marie, a tech-savvy woman who loves everything related to technology and innovation. I have always been fascinated by how technology can make our lives easier and more comfortable, so I have invested a lot of time and effort into creating a smart and automated home. 

I firmly believe that technology should work for us, not the other way around. That’s why I have set up my home to be as automated and efficient as possible. 

From voice-controlled lighting to smart appliances, my home is designed to make my life as easy and stress-free as possible.

smart home lady - about us

I’m famous for the SMART HOME LADY title in my social circle.

smart home

When not running my household or working hard at my job, I enjoy reading books about mysteries and watching detective-style movies on TV, which helped inspire some great ideas for using those same smart technologies in even better ways around my home.

My favorite pastime, however, is blogging about my experience with smart homes and how they are improving people’s lives.

I find joy in sharing what I have learned through this journey with others interested in the same topics; I gain new knowledge and make friends online with similar interests. 

I love spending time with my family when I’m not tinkering with my smart home or writing blog posts. They are the most important thing in my life, and I cherish every moment I get to spend with them. We love to travel, explore new places, and try out new cuisines.

My family supports all of these projects and loves seeing their wife/mother be so passionate about something that isn’t just work-related but also something that gives back to society.

I created this blog to keep up with the latest in tech developments. I love to help others by advising them on how to make their lives easier by using technology. 

My strong belief is that everyone should have access to the same technology that I do in order to take advantage of the opportunities it provides.

Why I AM Trusted

I took on many projects around my house – from installing advanced security systems that could detect movement or intruders outside to adding voice-controlled lights throughout each room. It was quite an undertaking, but I enjoyed every minute that I spent renovating my home; it was like being part of something bigger than myself.


I have installed security cameras and various other smart devices in my home.

Tech Savvy Lady

I am tech-savvy and work in a software company. I have knowledge of the digital world to make life cozy.

Personal Stories

I have a lot of stories based on my personal experience about devices working well or causing trouble.

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